Friday, April 30, 2010

Head down and grinding it out . . .

Do you feel like a bulldozer? I know I sure do! There is so much to do and very little time to do it, especially this time of the year. You simply get out the heavy equipment (bulldozer) and push your way through!

I know many of you are gearing up for your EOG reviews. The test begin in 11 days! You have worked hard all year to get to this point. Just like the last few minutes of a ballgame, finish strong. Your team of students are prepared - they will do great!

Congratulations to Dave Jenkins and Jeremy Shearer on a great girls soccer season. They are undefeated and will play for the county championship next Thursday at Mount Tabor. Come out and support the lady Patiots to bring home another championship!!

The staff member of the week is Gena Loflin. The note said, "She is an awesome example for her students and did a great job with the Flight of Honor. Is a "tropper" - feels bad a lot of days, but rarely shows it." Congratulations Gena!

It is going a be another beautiful weekend. Get outside and enjoy the weather! 28 more . . . Go Patriots!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Count your blessings . . .

This one is going to be brief but to the point. Don't take for granted what you have in life. It is easy to get caught up in "your own life" that you forget about what and the people who really matter. I know everyone has and will be thinking/praying for Kathy Fox and her family.

Hug your loved ones a little harder this weekend. Go Patriots!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Celebrate the successes . . .

"Celebrate good times, come on"! Who can tell me the group that sang that song? I bet Kirby Carespodi will know! If you don't know, that's okay. The message is when something good happens take the time to celebrate!

Today, the school recognized and celebrated our scholars. Students that have maintained a 3.75 GPA and have participated in community service were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Thank you to Kathy MacDonald, Denise Francis, Candi Fernandez, and Susan Riddle for their efforts with these students and the program. This was a fabulous program. The officers delivered wonderful speeches and the guest speaker Jim O'Neille (our County District Attorney) was great. I know students and parents walked away from this event feeling very good about TJMS!

Also, this week our entire 6th grade visited the Planatarium in Chapel Hill and Life Science Museum in Durham. All students enjoyed the trip. It was lots of fun and very educational. Big "THANK YOU" to Daniel Bryant for being the man in charge of this event. In house leadership, so important in our school!

Oh yea, my little "dramatic moment" for asking Mr. Moon to send out the survey question if you want a new principal . . . Well, it looks like you are stuck with me. Over 95% of the staff that responded, said you want me as principal. I guess I just needed some validation that I'm what you want in a principal. You know what you have . . . I will continue to listen and do the best I can to move TJMS in the right direction.

Our TJMS staff member of the week is John Downs! "John Downs is patient and wonderful working with all levels of technology users." Congratulations John - he is definitely another silent cog in our great school!

Find something to "celebrate" this weekend! 38 more days . . . Go Patriots!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Ant Bully . . .

Have any of you read the book "The Ant Bully" or have seen the movie or played the video? As you know, bullying can be a real problem at the middle school level. I feel we have put an emphasis on this topic and are making a difference. The videos and discussions that follow the videos are giving students an opportunity to think about what is right and wrong.

In school this week, I've been in and out of most 8th grade classrooms. Michele Hamby, Susan Sullivan, Leigh Humphrey, Kaye Hunter, Brent Atkinson, Mark Mercer, John Garwood, Cindy Neininger, and Marty Tedrow all had students actively engaged in actvities and educational discussions. Also (on the dark side as they call the Annex building), Mark Schnably, Jan Sullivan, Gail Frank, Gena Loflin, Lacey Brigman, Kim Pickell, Kirby Carespodi, and John Cardarelli were relentless in their strategies of putting knowledge into their student's brains! Thanks for your efforts with our Seniors! A formal observation of Jennifer Holland validated why I hired her. She was organized and prepared for a lesson on China that involved all students actively participating and enjoying the lesson. No, I didn't hire her JUST because she is a HOKIE!! = but didn't hurt :)!

Finished the week off with the recognition and presentation of the money raised to the veterans from WWII. I know I have mentioned it several times but Gena Loflin put her heart and soul into this project. It is one that students/staff will remember for a LONG time! Thanks to everyone!!

Remember, we are making a difference in addressing students about bullying. Stay the course and I promise we will see the results in our school - we already are!!

Staff member of the Week - Cathy Blevins - "because she does a vital yet thankless job everyday". Congratulations Mrs. Blevins and yes "THANK YOU" for what you do each day!

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the weather! Go Patriots!!!
