Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tis the season . . .
I would like to mention this week the wonderful efforts of our EC staff: Lisa Scott, Kara Richardson, Linda Dawson-Levy (welcome back!), Ellen Weston, Pat Fetherolf, Lacey Brigman, Kaye Hunter, Julia Edmonds, Joe Miller, Janet McKay, Erma Decker, Lynn Palm, Karen Parker, Carl Archie, Kedrick Dobson, Gary Michael, and Tina Parks-Ramsey. This has been a year of change in many ways for our teachers and students. I appreciate their efforts and the efforts of all the staff in serving these students.
Garrett Davis has worked extremely hard with a group of students for the holiday production - The Jefferson House. This play has a tremendous message and I thought was well performed by our students. These students handle the lighting and even helped write the script! It was very evident of the long hours of preparation that were put into this performance. Also, thank you to Joanna Palmer and Catherine Burton for being flexible with the space of the auditorium.
Our SIT met on Monday. This dedicated group of teachers (lead by Mike McDowell) have focused on grant ideas the teachers can apply for to help fund classroom needs/wants. I've very impressed with the amount of work that has gone toward this idea - I've heard good news about many of the grants. Keep up the hard work! SIT also would like for the school to revisit some of the rules at TJMS. Please help re-inforce the rules to your students so we can continue to move forward with our Single School Culture. Time to tighten things up a bit!
On a much more serious note . . . I'm missing the NUTCRACKER from my office. It was taken and a ransom note was left. This may be funny to some but for those who are involved there will be ramifications. This was the note that was left: A holiday season without my Nutcracker will not be the same :(
Go Patriots!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Remember when you just went outside and played . . .
This leads me to "Fuel up to Play 60". Thank you to Amy Peverall and Denise Francis for teaming to sponsor this incentive for our students. I hope you received a better understanding, of this incentive, by the kick off assembly that we had today. This is a National push to motivate students to exercise 60 minutes a day and to eat healthy. I know this makes me think about exercising more (Hope I do more that just think about it!). I encourage you to ask your students to go outside and exercise - I know many of you already do this. The more students hear this message, the more likely they are to "give in" and go out and play.
2. Find a soda can or bottle.
3. Decide what area to play in. The best is rather large, with plenty of hiding places.
4. Pick someone to be "it". You could use rock, paper, scissors, "1,2,3 not it!" or any other method.
5. Place the can in the center of your playing area.
6. The "it" stays at the can with their eyes closed, and counts to whatever number is decided. While the "it" is counting, the rest of the players run and hide somewhere. When the "it" finishes counting, they go look for the other players.
If the "it" sees someone they call out the hider's name. Then the hider and the "it" race back to the can. If the "it" gets there first, the hider is in jail. If the hider gets there first, they must kick the can(hard).
After the can is kicked, the hider runs to find a new hiding place, while the "it"gets the can and places it back where it was.
The "it" counts some more, and the game continues. When someone kicks the can, all other hiders in jail are free to go and hide again.
Game continues until all but one hider have been found. Last hider is winner.
7. Remember to have FUN!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
A day of thanks . . .
The book fair was a big hit this week. Thanks for Mr. Schoulda, Mrs. Argabright, and all the parent volunteers for their help. Students seemed excited about getting new books to read. To all the LA teachers - thanks for giving up some class time to let the students purchase new reading material!
Tiger Kim's Tae Kwon Do put on a performance Tuesday to the 6th grade PE classes. Thanks to all the PE teachers (Denise Francis, Martin Patrick, JR Wilkerson, and Amy Peverall) for helping to organize this event. Also, Kim Pickell was a major contributer to making this event happen. They will be coming again next Tuesday (5th and 6th periods) if you would like a taste of some Tae Kwon Do - they are amazing!!
Students from 6th grade (Barbara Strange, Cynthia Booth, Debbie Etheridge, and Mike McDowell) went to make luminaries for the Ronald McDonald House on Wednesday - community service project. Kathy MacDonald also took about 40 students (student council)after school to make the luminaries on Wednesday. Students had a great time and this was a good educational experience about doing things for others.
The cultural infusion walk throughs were conducted Wednesday by Willette Nash. She had extremely positive comments about the imagery and inclusive classroom decor in Mr. Charles Jones' class. His lesson was about African Kings. Notably, she gave high praise to Mrs. Kirby Carespodi who used rubrics, small groups, students were enthusiastic about learning and were responsible for their own learning. She commented on the utilization of Myers Briggs in her classroom as well. Mrs. Humphrey... excellent lesson involving American History relative to slave trade. Well done!
Today, we had about 300 students qualify (from their magazine fundraising efforts) to watch the BMX bike show. These guys were flying everywhere. It looked like they would go through the roof!! Elaine Hartle is the best - I'm glad you couldn't tell how close they were to you. The kids were absolutely amazed at this show. Mrs. Strange/Ms. Miller - I know you two are bikers. Could you do this?!!
Another great week at TJMS. Short week next week then a nice break. Be thankful for what you do have. Take some time to think about your blessings and "smell the roses".
You have worked hard. Thanks for your best efforts with your students. Enjoy the weekend.
Go Patriots!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
When it rains, it pours . . .
This week, I conducted 8th grade CWTs. We have a pretty good bunch of prisoners - I'm referring to the students! The efforts you (staff) make with your interesting classroom activities really make a difference with our students. Thanks for the creativity and energy you give to the students each day!
Mrs. Fox got the results for All County Band. 20 students made All County from TJMS! I'm not sure how many tried out but that is a huge number of students that received this honor! Congratulations to Kathy and her students!!
I know that I mentioned at Monday's staff meeting that Leigh Walters was selected Chorus Teacher of the Year for the State of NC!!! But what an accomplishment! For those of you who don't know Leigh, drop by her classroom sometime and see her in action. I've seen many music teachers - Leigh is phenomenal. Congratualtions Leigh - well deserved!
And today's Fall Fling . . . I'm writing this prior to the fling but I know the students will have a great time! These kids just want to socialize and it really doesn't matter what activities there are. It's fun just watching them have fun with each other. Now taking a pie in the smacker and getting dunked . . . well -when it rains it pours!
The sun is coming out (somewhere) . . . have a wonderful weekend!
Go Patriots!
Friday, November 6, 2009
And the beat goes on . . .
Last couple of weeks you gave your EOQ tests. Benika - Thanks for your diligence with this! I didn't see any real surprises with the results. Keep up the good instruction in the classroom and the scores will be fine. If you haven't already, plan to discuss your results in your PLC meetings and develop some strategies to reteach concepts that may have been missed.
Grade level trips - Trailblazers (Meredith Ebert, Amy Kennedy, and Leigh Walters) were at the coast last week for the 7th grade trip. I didn't hear about any issues. Guess they had a good time :) MPods (John Cardarelli, Kirby Carespodi, Kim Pickell, Lacey Brigman, and myself) were in DC last week with the 8th graders. The Surfers (Mark Schnably, Gail Frank, Gena Loflin, Jan Sullivan, and LaJoi Wilson-Moore) are completing their trip to DC - they should be home this afternoon. This is always a fun/educational trip. We saw so much in such a short period of time. I truly believe these trips are memories the students will never forget when asked "What did you do in middle school"? Thanks for giving up your personal time to be a part of these trips.
Volleyball started the season this week. The boys are 2-0 with victories over Southeast and Northwest - Congratulations to Daniel Bryant and Mark Mercer. The girls are 1-1 with a victory over Northwest. Congratulations to Denise Francis. We play Hanes (home) on Tuesday. Come out and support your Patriots - we will even give you a free bag of popcorn!
Coin drive kicked off this week. Thanks to Lisha Vannoy and Kathy MacDonald for their efforts. There is a "buzz" in the school about this service project. I'm impressed with the sense of giving from our students. Thanks for supporting this - you can make a huge difference in the success of this project.
And . . . I know you can't wait til next Friday (FALL FLING)!! The students always have fun no matter what. Thanks for all of your help with supervision. This is for a great cause (Scholarships for field trips) and you might even have fun:)
180 - 51 = 129 more days! Have a great weekend - get some rest.
Go Patriots!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
What do you do at school???
Tuesday ended with a Band/Orchestra concert from the 8th graders. Congratulations to Kathy Fox and Catherine Burton for their efforts with these students. I thoroughly enjoyed the music - especially "Mission Impossible". Got me reflecting about my childhood and watching Get Smart - the TV show not the movie!
Wednesday also had a nice ending. Boys soccer finished the season 12-0 with a 4-1 victory over Hill Middle School in the County Championship game. Congratulations to Jeremy Shearer and Dave Jenkins. Jeremy got a shower and Dave's is coming (he was on the 7th grade trip to Camp Don Lee). Then went to Chick Fila for Spirit night. It is always a fun/positive atmosphere. Thanks to Peggy for coordinating this event! For those who have never been the "cow", you might want to think about it. Loads of fun and people don't know who you are:)
The Trailblazers (Laura LeMay, Jami Jones, Charles Jones, Dave Jenkins, Lynn Palm, and Jerry Messick) have been at the beach Wed - today. Well, they were close to the beach (Camp Don Lee) chaperoning 100 students. For those who haven't been blessed to go, talk to some of the 7th grade teachers about the experience. I enjoy the trip but am very glad to get home on Friday:)
Most of our 6th graders were involved in a Greek festival today - toga, toga, toga (sorry, couldn't resist!). They had many fun activities and great food - had to do some sampling! It was evident they (along with several parents) worked hard to plan this day.
It's now Friday afternoon(again - yahoo!) and what did you do all week? Take a few minutes, this weekend, to think about what good you have done for your students and the school. I'm sure there are too many to count. Feel good about what you do even if it is as small as dressing up in a cow costume for school spirit!
Short week coming up. Enjoy this weekend and the break coming up. Thanks for what you do!
Go Patriots!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Middle School Spirit Week . . .
This week my classroom walk through focus was on Encore. I want everyone to know how GREAT our encore teachers are! They work extremely hard teaching hundred(s)! of students in this school. It amazes me to see how well they know them. Prime examples are Senorita (right?) Hughes and Sullivan. They teach approximately 350 students each (A & B days). When they ask questions, they always use the student's name. No student feels left out in their classes. Other teachers do the same (PE teachers - Amy Peverall, Denise Francis, Martin Patrick, JR Wilkerson). Thanks again for all you do each day to help contribute to the wonderful education students receive at TJMS!!
A want to recognize Leigh Walters was passing her Administration Exam!!! She is now fully qualified to be a principal - you really want to do this?! This is a grueling written test that you basically answer scenerios for about 6 hours. I can tell a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Congratulations Leigh!!
Remember, if you have the "Spirit" and enjoy what you do then your students can't help from being excited about school and what you want to teach them. They may not all show it in the proper way at times (they are 11-14 year olds!)but you do make a positive difference in their lives. Thanks for your Spirit this week and each day that you meet with our students.
Have some fun this weekend!
Go Patriots!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Fair is in the Air . . .
Ah . . . there is nothing like fair week – right?! I don’t know about you but I always look forward to the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the Dixie Classic Fair. This event always gives me the excuse to eat a bunch of things that I shouldn’t. Did you try the Fried Butter????????
Enough about food . . . now onto this week at TJMS. I started this week off by going, with the Surfers team, to the Career Center. Again, the 8th graders were very polite and courteous. Thanks to Kathy MacDonald for arranging these trips for our students. And a shout out to Gail Frank for her back seat driving. I would have never made it back and forth without you!
Tuesday was a day spend at Central Office at a Joint Principal's meeting. Many items were discussed from United Way (Kelly Hall will kick it off on Monday), accountability, EVAAS composites, finance update ("if things were not good this year just wait til next"), and PLCs. The nice thing about PLCs is that we have been doing them since I've been here (just called them subject area meetings). There were be a few modifications but there will be some training to come.
Wednesday was a day for me to get into many classrooms (8th grade teachers this week:) I will highlight two teachers this week. First of all, Deborah Cummings. I did a formal observation in one of her classes. She had a wonderful class about texture. The students were interested and participating throughout the class. Her activities involved finding different texture surfaces in the class. A cool one was the bottom of a shoe! The other teacher is Martin Patrick. Sometimes, Health/Physical Education teachers get a "bad rap". Just know Martin knows his stuff! He was discussing/demonstrating to his students about rescue breathing. If I ever need CPR, call Martin . . . just no mouth to mouth.
Thursday was a day of joy for everyone with the magazine fundraiser kickoff. Thanks to Peggy for organizing everything (as usual) and thanks to all teachers for getting in on time. I think the assembly flowed very well. Thanks for doing your part to help this to be successful. Especially Daniel Bryant, Elaine Hartle, Kelly Hall, Matt Fossa, Charles Jones, Robin Moon, Mark Schnably, Mark Mercer, and Brent Atkinson for being such good sports! I hope you recognized what I will do if goals are met.
I do want to put a special word out to Amy Peverall, Sheila Schmidt, and Christy Daniel for their efforts in the cheerleading tryouts. They put much effort into the process/selection of being fair. Over 70 girls tried out and 23 made the team. Thanks to LaJoi Wilson-Moore and Benika Thompson for helping to judge. Also, speaking of sports . . . Congratulations to Dave Jenkins and Jeremy Shearer with the boys soccer team. They continue to be undefeated with a record of 8-0. They have to huge games this week - Wednesday at Meadowlark and Thursday at Mount Tabor vs Wiley. Promote for your students to come out and support - you are welcome to come also! You might be surprised how much seeing a teacher after school means to students. And . . . a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Leigh Walters and the 10 students that made State Honors Chorus!!! They will be recognized at the NC Middle School Honors Concert at the Stevens Center on November 8th at 1:30.
Now back to food and the fair . . . I didn't get to try the Fried Butter (couldn't find the vendor even though I did look). I did sample some french fries, roasted corn, pizza, Fried Oreos, and Fried Three Musketeers. Notice I said sampled and not ate the entire portion. I do have to say the Fried Oreos was tasty:) Guess I will have to wait on the Fried Butter . . . next year? But there will be something new . . . what else can they think to fry?
Have some fun and get some rest.
Go Patriots!
Friday, October 2, 2009
October 2, 2009--Time passes quicker the older you get
Seems like I can get into many classrooms on Mondays . . . this week I had 7th grade to conduct Classroom Walk Throughs (CWTs). You guys are pretty smart and have figured out that we - administrators (Wilson-Moore, Dickey, and Thompson) divide grade levels each week (including encore) and conduct CWTs. So next week what grade do I have??? 7th grade teachers are so creative/energetic! From Emma Couch having bungee jumping Barbee dolls, Matt Fossa putting students on the spot with his higher order thinking questions, Jeremy Shearer's students literally jumping out of their seats to participate in a classroom discussion, Meredith Ebert's relentless efforts to involve all students in classroom activities, and Amy Kennedy's constant patience/leadership during a facinating science class while her "technology" was NOT acting nice! I conducted two formal observations this week with Dave Jenkins and Christy Daniel (lucky folks!). Dave and Ellen Weston showed a true example of co-teaching. It was very evident they plan together so both teachers can provide personalized instruction to their students - super! Christy Daniel's lesson was excellent. Students were busily working on a room design project. They seemed to enjoy the environment of the classroom while making examples of line and color. Christy showed much confidence as a 2nd year teacher - she is always positive and supportive of her students!
On Tuesday, I chauffered the MPods and Kim Pickell, in a big white limo, to the Career Center . . . well, I drove the activity bus and didn't hit anything (this time!) All students were well mannered and asked great questions. I can tell the 8th graders are getting ready for high schoool. That evening, I attended the school board meeting and accepted awards for TJMS academic success from last year (The community knows that Jefferson Middle continues to be the best Middle School!).
Wednesday was picture day :) I'm sure you all took beautiful pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing John Garwood's picture - his hair seemed a little "fluffy". Thanks for organizing the picture schedule - Peggy!! This is a necessary evil :) That afternoon Brent Atkinson was recognized with all the Teacher's of the Year at a nice reception at the Old Salem Visitor's Center. Brent is truly a wonderful representative of our All Star staff!
John Downs conducted excellent technology workshops on Thursday. Thanks to John for this effort and his day to day support to ALL of us! You are certainly a "Big Guy" in this school. Thanks to Peggy (again) for organizing the BWW night. My teriyaki wings were very tasty:) It was nice to see our staff/community getting together after hours.
Today, I was put on the "hot seat" by my boss, Carol Montague-Davis, visiting me. I have to do just like you - complete a self-assessment and develop my PDP. I guess our meeting went okay - she didn't ask for my keys :)
Other mentionables . . . Barbara Strange - organizing and implementing a "book talk" with several staff involved. Your kids were excited and well prepared! Kerry Browne is a real trooper - I was told she was instumental in the Tdap process. Cindy Booth evidently has received "interesting" e-mails but has said she will not respond . . . you will have to ask her about this! And the initiation of your newbie - Mark Mercer. Mark has this new ride that you need to check out. I think others may be a little jealous and have done some "not so nice" things to this ride. As perky Miss Gena Loflin said, so well to Mark ,as he was searching for his ride, "Welcome to Jefferson!"
Speaking of time . . . your weekend may be gone by the time you finish this but it is fun and therapy for me to "reflect". Ten years ago today, my youngest (Stuart - Stu Poo) was born . . . time does pass very quickly especially the older you get.
Enjoy your weekend ... get some rest!
Go Patriots!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
September 25, 2009--It's Friday, Yahoo!
It's amazing how a certain day of the week makes you feel. Monday (blah), Wed (okay), and Friday (yahoo!). And we love our jobs . . . can you imagine the feeling of folks that go to work just to collect a paycheck? Another big week with lots of activities on top of the day to day teaching.
Soccer team is off to a great start (3 wins - 0 loses). Congratulations Dave Jenkins and Jeremy Shearer! Students have been showing up in droves to "support" the team. They really stay to socialize but it looks great to have such a large group! Encourage your students to stay next Thursday for the Paisley game.
PTA open house last evening was another huge success. Eric Schoulda(and the boys/girls) were super. They always bring such a festive atmosphere to the opening PTA event. 7th and 8th grade teachers did a great job explaining their field trips and fielding questions. I know 8th grade numbers seem to be very high for the fall trip - This was a goal for more students to go on this trip (yes!) A large percentage of 7th graders are also going on the fall trips! 6th grade teachers - fantastic preparation and delivery last night. You provided parents with valuable information that will help them to partner with the school. I believe sharing the EVAAS information was an "eye opener" to many parents. Looking at data helps enlighten decisions that can be made. Thanks to Daniel Bryant/Elizabeth Hobson/Kim Abrams for sharing this idea with the others!
Lisha Vannoy is the Tdap queen and Jenny is the princess! They "annoyed" the heck out of parents to make sure 6th graders had their mandatory vaccines. I was told by many parents they never wanted to hear "Lisha Vannoy's" voice again on their phones! BUT only 2 kids don't have their shots.. That was a major "elephant" to devour. Thank you!!
Big "kudos" to Karen Parker for tutoring after school (when she isn't expected) with our EC kids. Jerry Messick has filled in for Jennifer while being out with her son that has been sick - you da man "commissioner!". LaJoi, Peggy, Jerry are the best ever! They always go way beyond was is expected :) And Diana . . . she is the silent cog that makes this machine run. She does so many things (I don't even know everything she does because she just does them). She is NEVER absent and just digs in and does way more than she should . . . AND does she seem to be sweeter than ever? :)
Go Patriots!